Monday, April 26, 2010

Cheesy Marathon-Wedding Metaphors

Wedding Planning Website -

I keep starting back to my marathon knowledge in my conduct as well as suspicion Id share the few of the thoughts we had in the weeks heading up to the competition as well as the the little of the things that went by my conduct during the actual event. (And if we can hold it, there was the poignant series of marriage thoughts starting by my conduct during… hey, 3+ hours is the prolonged time to run, the girls gotta consider about something certain to get by it!)

And yes, these analogies have been all cheesy as well as overdone though we cant help myself—Im the sucker for anything drizzling with queso, both metaphorically as well as in real life.

So, here we go…

Pace yourself. I ran the first 7 miles of the marathon approach as well fast, resulting in the little miserable miles after on. The same thing holds loyal with formulation the wedding. we unequivocally jumped the gun upon the few things (remember our Save The Date disaster?) that done the after stages of formulation the bit reduction fun.

Another example:

We requisitioned our venue unequivocally distant in advance (14 months) but doing unequivocally many research. And whilst Im still completely head-over-heels, absolutely in adore with it, Im flattering sure we could have found somewhere else we liked roughly as many for significantly cheaper. It was the difficult doctrine to sense though theres nothing we can do about it at this point, so hopefully the little of we guys out there will equivocate creation the same mistake we made. Like the tortoise says, slow as well as solid wins the race.

Its not regularly puppies as well as rainbows. I consider Ive done my satisfactory share of b*tching about training for the marathon. Maybe not here, though many of my friends as well as family have been substantially flattering sick of hearing me bemoan about it. Training for as well as essentially running the marathon! is the single of the many unpleasant practice Ive ever gone by (and if we saw photos of me from about mile twenty-three on, youd see what we mean).

And formulation the wedding, whilst not physically unpleasant (for the many part), has been the mentally draining as well as exhausting process at times. Its not only flattering flowers as well as dresses as well as loyal love, theres things similar to crazy relatives as well as logistics as well as monetary pressures combined into the mix. But hopefully, only similar to the marathon, the pain is value it in the end. As prolonged as we prop yourself in the commencement as well as have been rebuilt for the little pain, youll make it by as well as live to tell the tale.

And finally…

Your family as well as friends will get we by it. The marathon would not have been the same if we hadnt well known my parents as well as multiform friends were out there upon the course, watchful for me. The suspicion of seeing them all pushed me by to the finish line. Not to mention, they upheld me throughout the entire training process.

The same thing holds loyal for the wedding. No approach would we have gotten to this indicate but my family as well as friends. Theyve upheld me upon this tour to the marriage in ways we never imagined or ever suspicion would be necessary. Theyve crafted with me, shopped with me, vented with me, laughed with (and maybe at) me as well as ultimately, only been there for me. And really, theyve done it value the while.

So there ya go. See? Marathoning as well as formulation the marriage unequivocally do share the little common ground.

Whaddya think? Are we the sucker for cheesy, motivational metaphors similar to we am?

Wedding Planning Website